Early goal but no cigar for M4A’s

A quick trip up the A1M on a Saturday to Hatfield for the now regular fixture against Welwyn Garden 2s. Having played in the same league now for a number of years, this has always been a close competitive game usually ending one goal in either direction ….. sadly this time it was in the wrong direction.

The 4As, starting with some new players again, peaked early … maybe too early … scoring in the first few minutes with a flowing move starting at the back and up the right hand side to be crossed to Alastair Whatley, guesting back for his old team, who put it away first time. This period of Southgate dominance continued for the first 10-15 minutes but the 4As failed to capitalise  and then the game began to change. Welwyn came more and more into the game and started to take control and reciprocally Southgate began to lose their shape and by half time Welwyn had taken the lead through two converted short corners. 

Despite our captain Jon trying to rouse the team at half time as usual, this pattern continued into the second half with Welwyn converting another short corner to go 3-1 ahead. As the half went on Southgate gained more of the possession and finally started to win some short corners that had been sadly lacking in the first half and clawed one back with Will Hargrove flicking into the back of the net after a switch right and return. However Southgate were unable to score further and the game finished 3-2 to Welwyn.

As I mentioned above this is always a good and close game and it was again. However ultimately a frustrating one as Southgate could not convert some of their individual superiority, and at times possession, with Welwyn never looking like they would score from open play.  This is perhaps an example of losing to a more organised and disciplined team rather than a better one!

Thanks to Alistair, Joe and James for guesting for the team with no fives game and while there was no formal MOM special mention should go to Rafi Rosenfield on his first appearance for the 4As, he will surely be a regular, and also to Aryan Chhaya for a good game. 

After a surprisingly good dinner at the Wetherspoons for those who went back, I can report no parking fines were incurred (if you know you know!)….