Embattled M4’s lose out in fiercely contested rumble with East London

First home game of the season for the 4s on what was a lovely day for stick and ball. We welcomed East London to Snakes Lane in the hope to take all 3 points. With a late drop out the night before, we were unfortunately down to 11 against their 14 which was always going to be tough. Nevertheless, we were confident in winning & putting in a good shift. 

The game got underway, both teams having an equal share of the ball, creating chances here & there, but nothing coming from them early on. Around the midway point of the first half, a scramble in our D, sticks going everywhere, the ball somehow squeezed it’s way (just about) over the line & put the visitors 1-0 up. 

That was all the action for the first half, frustrating to be 1-0 down in the way we conceded, but a positive halftime team talk from experienced players, would hopefully lift heads again & look to start the second half on the front foot, searching for an early goal. 

Second half began & pretty much started the same way the first half went. Both teams causing trouble at either end, however struggling to put the ball in the back of the net. 

As the game went on, tired legs started to kick in & frustration started to show more & more. Unable to find a goal to level the score, East London held on to their 1-0 lead for the whole of the second half.