So, the M6s (4As in old money) in a new league and under new captaincy travelled to West London for the opening fixture with a youthful (3 exceptions) team. After a delay to wait for one umpire we were underway. On the oppos first foray into our circle Luke Ellis cleared well on debut but sadly it was a little uppish and the umpire gave the short. They scored with a decent flick going down the channel between keepers righthand and post man. This was a bit of a shock as he had looked good up to that point. From here the response was good, some nice fluid play and good ball pace saw us get the next three goals though Alex Prior, Sohan Dhana and James Marriot. The third of these taking a bit of shorting as it had gone through the rather large hole in the sideboard – the defence all thinking it’d been a chance wasted when the reality was it was a nice finish from James. Just before the break, may be though a bit of complacency, we allowed them to break and their main forward threat got into the circle, turned and very nearly took keeper Luke’s head off – nothing he could do.

So at half time (2-3 up) we had dominated and they had taken almost their only chances. We all agreed a big 10 minutes was needed to get the game won – we were the better team as a whole and needed to move the ball to show it – good input from Rory Willmott, James Rushton and Sohan Dahan and we all had new focus.

The second half started well with a quick score from James Marriot before a good zig zag at a corner saw Alex Prior give captain Will Hargrove a finch that even he couldn’t miss. This was followed by Alex Prior second goal to put us 2-6 up. We slightly relaxed and the oppo through caution to the wind and pegged us back with two quick scores. With 7minutes to go we needed a calm period of the next goal. This came from Alex Prior to get his Hattrick. The final goal was to be Imperial Medicals with Rory Willmott hit on the shoulder (ask him for the picture) whilst trying to deflect a good drag flick. Luke got very close to shaving it.

Quick rundown Luke Ellis (GK) did well in goal in his first mens fixture. Will Roughton at left back looked very assured and unflustered, a good confident debut at this level.James Rushton was exemplary at the back and even ventured forward a couple of times. Rory Willmott had a good and disciplined game. Aryan Chhaya was calm and defended well along with good distribution. Rafi Rosenfield got forward well down the right flank and impressed. Will Hargrove held the middle in normal fashion and allowed others to run! Sohan Dhana ran Alex close fro man of the match playing in a forward midfield role – a creator of goals here. Alex Prior took the man of the match and alongside Sohan was a contact threat. Oliver Yaoz carried well and gave us good width, less flashy but a crucial solid role. James Lockheart was unlucky not to score and had a good mens hockey debut. Felix Rushton was a menace to the oppo and passed well.James Marriott, like Felix and James L was a pain and worked tirelessly to good effect.

The game was won. A good game played in good spirits. Sadly the bar did not open so Alex’s jug will have to wait!