Lily De Souza inspires comeback as W6 pull of 3 pointer in the deep south

0-2 Win vs Kings Alley’s W3
Match Report by Dervla McErlean

After a long drive to King’s Sports Ground in SE23 or a confusing tube journey for some of our juniors, Southgate W6s made it to play Kings & Alleynes W3. The opposition were strong and fast on their frequent turnovers with swift forwards and a goal hanger. The first half started strong with a number of green cards for Southgate for stick tackles, not any green cards the other way. Andrea even managed to get a yellow card! Forcing Sarah to drop from centre mid into centre back and the forwards dropping back. At one point we only had 9 on the pitch! Keeping a calm head at the back Hells made many saves at the back. Chloe was showing off her defensive skills and beat two of their forwards on the right hand side. Kate was keeping strong in the centre and Clare was happy to play wherever she was needed, mid or defence and keeping it strong and calm the whole time. Multiple defensive short corners later the opposition couldn’t get through. The first half the opposition had a very strong press and it was hard to find a way through.

After gathering together at the second half with Stroller’s and Sarah’s wise words. The Southgate side began passing and playing great hockey. Isla made a great run down the right hand side and made a pass from the base line to Lily close to the right post and nailed it in the goal. As the excellent passing continued Didi won a short corner and then injected the ball to Sarah at the top of the D, who sent it back to Didi at the post, with Didi sweeping it in for the second goal!