London Representative Masters 2023 – Sign Up Here

Please find attached details for the London Masters representative squads 2023. Details include tournament dates, venues and leads for all age groups, plus details of trials and training sessions.
London Hockey Website
Information will be updated on our London website as soon as possible.
All trials, training sessions and tournaments can be found on Teamo. Please add you availability as soon as possible so we can know numbers for session planning. Players going up an age group have been moved into their new groups.
Tournaments will be listed on the Saturday dates as Teamo doesn’t do two day events.
Each squad will play in their age group England Hockey Area Tournament. Tournaments are hosted by different Areas, so venues are therefore spread across the country. London will be hosting the WO40 at Southgate HC and Men O45 at Surbiton HC.
Tournaments are across a Weekend and may involve travel and accommodation on Friday and saturday nights, depending on their location and travel time and distance.
London will be fielding
MO35-70 inclusive. Our MO75 will combine with players from SE and SC to make a squad.
WO35-60 inclusive. Our WO65 will combine with SE to make a squad.
Each squad should be made up of correct age group players. Where this may not be possible, due to numbers, squads may be back filled with an older player, but this requires special exemption permission. There is some flexibility around GKs.
Players are only expected to play one tournament.
Players in the top age groups (MO75 and WO65) will be allowed to play for their own age group and the age group below as there are fewer numbers here.
Age groups
Masters is based on 1st January to 31st December in a given year and based on 5 year age groups, starting at 35.
This will be done by the age group leads (coach, captain and vice/manager) and based on the England Hockey overarching principles to aid selection policy used by their international age groups.
Selected squad players will be expected to wear London Hockey kit for the tournaments and potentially any practice matches. A red London match shirt will be provided for the tournaments. These are squad shirts and belong to London Hockey and are shared across the squads to keep costs down. You will also need to purchase a white London shirt with your own personal number. The white shirt is your ‘away/change of colours’ for matches and as it will be your own, it also acts as a leisure shirt for you.
You will also need red London shorts/skort and London red and white pairs of socks. Trousers, hoodies, tops etc are also available to purchase.
All kit can be ordered on-line from Total Hockey in Brentford
New Players
We are always on the look out for new players, especially in the MWO35s. A piece will go on social media and out to clubs this week. Details of how new players should sign up are also in the attached document.
Masters is fully self-funding and based on the principle of play and pay. The session fee will remain at £10 and will be payable via Teamo. The tournament fee will be for selected players and will include a small shirt hire fee, for the second of three years.
We are looking for coaches for some of the squads. Some squads already have coaches or may include players that are coaches. Please email me if you know of a coach that may be happy to help. Squads will cover the cost of a coaches’ petrol and accommodation at tournaments.