M4 snuff out Wapping in first win of season at Lee Valley

The 4s approached the match at Lee Valley with only one target: to change that 0 in the ranking that was not properly reflecting what showed on the pitch in the first four appearances… and they finally achieved a sweet 2-1 vs Wapping 4s.

The score already tells a lot about what was seen in the 70 minutes: a match controlled in large part by Southgate, able to stop any initiative of the opponents (also thanks to a great job by Alistair, Zechariah and Connor, able to create a very effective first line of defence in the opponent’s side of the pitch) to counter-attack fast with Waqas, Samir and Angus, but without the right cold blood into the D to convert and secure the result.

So, when the match restarts in the second half with the score still 0-0, the 4s decided to increase the rhythm, also well supported by Ivan, Kirian and David, who were able to come from the defensive line to increase the attacking power. The chances arrive one after the other, with Waqas and Zech before and Alistair after, unlucky in hitting the outside post with a reverse shot attempt from the left.

But is the short corner the secret weapon of this team, and Zech before and Ivan a few minutes after manage to create the decisive gap.
After the 2-0, the team makes the mistake of relaxing a little and drops the pace leaving some space for the opponents.
The 2-1, won on an unfortunate counterattack, galvanises the opponents who begin to believe in the comeback and raise the centre of gravity, also conquering some short corners but, in the end, never creating real dangers for an always ready Justin.

The final result reflects the values seen on the pitch, but it is clear that for the future, it is necessary to improve the effectiveness in the opponent’s D.
MoM David: he was on fire, stopping everyone attacking his side and ready to restart fast. He also saved one short corner on the line in the 1st half.
DoD Freddie for showing up 30 minutes after the pb.