M5A Match Report – 18 February 2023

A busy schedule on the Water Pitch saw convincing Women’s and Men’s First team victories preceded by a rather more sedate 5A 2-2 draw against West Herts. Nevertheless our performance seemed to provide sufficient inspiration for what followed from those top teams…it was all hockey but not as the 5A’s know it!
5A’s have come off second in all of our recent encounters against West Herts – almost always after leading at half time. So, no surprise that we were 2-0 up within 15 minutes with two great goals from 13 year old Max James, another product of our junior development process seeing players move into the senior teams. A talented player in the making.
As the first half progressed we had numerous chances to add to Max’s brace but nevertheless, momentum shifted to West Herts and they pulled a goal back from a penalty corner: 2-1 at half time.
The second half repeated the first, it was all Southgate for 10 to 15 minutes. We really should have been 4 or 5 up at this point. But again, West Herts rallied, the stick tackle tally rose, a couple of cards and it was scrappy with West Herts building the pressure. With 5 minutes to go a messy skirmish in our goalmouth saw the ball pushed over the line: 2-2. The final minutes were again all Southgate but no goals and a nervy last short corner to West Herts after the final whistle – fortunately squandered in some style by the visitors.
So, a 2-2 result, our losing streak at an end. Now we’re ready for the challenge of league leaders Adelaide next week.