M5A’s take on heaviest defeat of last season in close contest!

Match Report by Neil Murphy

The 5A’s returned to Bedford to play the Veterans, scene of our heaviest defeat last season. A new look 5A fears nobody!

As with recent weeks, the father/son contingent was Michiel & Tom, James & Woody and Peter & Will. This, together with first starts this season for Antony and Mark and Fin in goal had the makings of a good team.

And so, this proved to be the case for much of the first half with plenty of possession, some good moves and scoring opportunities slightly offset by losing too many 50/50 balls. Inevitably therefore, we found ourselves 0-2 down at half time with the oppo scoring from a short and a breakaway.

Bedford are an experienced team and had two midfielders running the show for them. They were matched, though, by the 5A midfield of Woody, Antony, Oli and Michiel. In the second half we used the width more and Tom and James were increasingly threatening upfront. At the back attacks were built up from the right via Fin and on the left once again by Will.

The pressure was building. Great work from Woody got the ball into the Bedford D where Peter was lurking to get the ball over the line – a second goal in his second match for Peter and we were back in it.
Sustained pressure for the next 10 minutes was opening up numerous opportunities. Picking the ball up 15 yards outside the D, Woody moved forward and unleashed a shot from the top of the D which left the goalie standing. 2-2 game on and the momentum was with Southgate.

Nevertheless, Bedford came back at us and we lost a little bit of our focus. Both sides believing they could pinch the result and the points. 8 minutes to go, more Southgate pressure but we lost possession and another Bedford breakaway was expertly finished by their canny centre forward.

Despite valiant efforts time was running out and the final whistle resulted in a 2-3 defeat but our heads held high.

Goalscorers; Peter Roughton and Nick Wood

Man of the Match votes were well spread reflecting a lot of hard work and a great team effort. The joint winners were Antony, Will and Tom.

A week off and then a home game…