M5’s back to winning ways with Whatley’s winner 

The Mighty Fives may be back on the road of winning form they found at the beginning of the season. 
With Captain ST off this week, Mr Willmott(sick) and Dhillion also not present, we knew this was going to be a hard fought game against Winchmore Hill & Enfield 1’s.We arrived at the ground to find that we have Will Biggins playing for us, but he was using some sort of an alias ” Alex Christie”. Never the less after a lot of clarifying we eventually came to an understanding that it was not Will playing for us, but rather his non related identical twin, Alex Christie.

As all Fives victories begin; Alastair is at the heart of them with an impressive “warm up/ running the length of 10 football pitches”. After a very lively warm up we had a team talk from Temp Coach Willmott we were ready to take the pitch. Which, looks more like us standing on the side of the pitch for 15 minutes before the game starts and watching how atrocious the pitch we are about to play on is.

Anyway, lets get to the game. Match started off rather evenly with both teams sharing possession and  slowly getting into the swing of things. The Mighty Fives seem to be getting good at simple hockey where we let the ball do the work. This lead to countless opportunities, but just not quite able to convert. However, the first blow did not go Southgate’s way as the opposition scored some counter attack goal. I think they ran baseline, flicked it across to P- spot and scored a goal we had about four chances to score ourselves.

We did not let this goal get the better of us and bounced right back with a short corner within a few minutes. This short corner must have lead to three successive short coroners. Eventually we managed to get something to work and Al received a slip left ball from the top of the D. As expected he beat the keeper with a well directed slap towards the bottom right only to  have the postman’s foot stop it. P – Flick awarded.

Two weeks in a row we are awarded a P -flick and on occasions Southgate were trailing by a goal. However, Ivan achieved the same result as Dhillion, NO GOAL. The only difference being that Ivan best the keeper, just didn’t beat the post.

The rest of the half is a blank for me as all I kept thinking was how on earth I missed that. Halftime Mighty Fives 1-0 down.

Second half started well with The Fives all over the opposition. And we were rewarded for this hard work. Kabir scored with a low shot into corner on the counter attack from Rich Martins squaring it to him in the D. 

The game was all ours after this and it was just about waiting for the Second goal to be scored and so it was. This Goal came from a man who very often finds himself on the score sheet. Some say he has scored more goals for different teams at Southgate then Rory has in his entire hockey career, some day he is the definition of a club man. We know his as Mr Whatley. 

Can’t quite remember what the goal looked like, but it was probably a scrappy screamer.
End result 1-2 to the Mighty Fives and back on the road of victory!