M6’S stack up 5 in 10 goal scoring frenzy as they draw against OMT

Match Report by Will Hargrove

Well, after last week’s low quality 0-0 at home, things as someone (or was it a political party) once said “could only get better”. And so they did. A pulsating game was played in good spirits against a good opposition on a good surface. The first 5 minutes were mostly OMTs and I thought this may be a tough one. Buy slightly against the run of play James Marriot snuck a goal in and we were off and running. Then in the next 14 minutes the oppo scored two and we were back against things. Felix Rushton got us back on terms on the 22nd minute and this seemed fair. But with 5 of the first half to go James Marriot, later to be awarded MOM, scored and we went into the break, tired but positive.

This might have been a mistake as things were level again quickly. Neither team were holding back though. Having not had a PC in the whole first half we finally got a few and with a nicely worked “Zig-Zag” Hargrove scored. At 3-4 up, could we hold on? Well, No. Back to 4-4 as they scored a PC. Hargrove then managed another in the aftermath of a corner. One of their players got a yellow for disagreeing and with a man advantage and 4-5 ahead could we now do it? We were may be too positive in trying toe kill the game and a break saw them get an equaliser with 2 or 3 to go. Both sides played to the final whistle and in honesty 5-5 was a fair result. Looking forward to the return fixture.

Justin Edwards was great in goal and blameless for theirs. James Rushton was strong again, passed well and made crucial tackles, on with seconds to go. Oliver Nash on the back of last weeks MOM was strong and communicated well. Stephen Gwynn-Jones is coming into it more and more as his fitness returns, several crucial interceptions. Will Roughton played well beyond his years with calm and poise. Moving to midfield, captain Hargrove had a decent game, aerials caused troubles and a couple of well taken goals. Oliver Yaoz on the left flank threatened and passed quicker. Akash Dhana was on form and looked composed, good awareness. Greg Wildisen joined us for the day and added a lot, looked good on attack but added guts and composure. Max James, was lively and always threatening especially on attack. Moving to the forward bank the three guys did well to be a menace, Felix Rushton took his goal well and worked hard. James Lockheart, chased endlessly and got in good positions. James Marriott was, as mentioned our MOM and deservedly so tireless and potent.

A good afternoon.