Martins goal brings M6 close but no Cigar in Chiswick

1-2 Loss vs PHC Chiswick M5s
Match Report by Will Hargrove

A crucial “6-pointer” game away at PHC Chiswick 5s was a great opportunity for the M6s to get the season back on track. Alas we couldn’t take the opportunity. A very forgettable first half by both sides saw half time taken at 0-0. This presented us with a challenge – actually keep the ball and we might score. We started the second half much better and after a few fractious episodes with the temperatures raising we went ahead thanks to a Rich Martin goal. For the third quarter we were in a good place. Sadly this didn’t last and they scored a well taken goal with about 15 to go. The match was then quite scruffy again. With 6 minutes to go they won a short corner and having defended well at the previous ones they scored from the ensuing melee. We had all the possession thereafter and very nearly scored a similar goal to there’s with 2 mins to go. The final whistle was painful.

Jon Dann (Capt) lead well and couldn’t be blamed for either goal. Joseph Spencer at left back had a very good first half and continued well but did give the ball away a bit towards the end. Stephen Gwynn-Jones was in the middle this week with james “The Rock” Rushton away – he did well. Rory Willmot wad alongside and tried to gee the side along. Simon (Os) Bate was on the right and looked threatening. Ben Turner subbed in and was a more composed head than most. Will Hargrove has his central role and quite a decent game when not trying to force things. Oliver Yaoz built on last week and had another good game – getting forward. Adam Batchelor was almost unanimous MVP, played with good energy and work had, adding some class. Alex Prior also had a good game, slightly hampered by the slow surface but working hard. Randall Hyer was his unorthodox and enigmatic self, causing them some trouble. Zac Mistry got stuck in and played well, a little like Prior his stick skills could really shine on the surface. Rich Martins scored our goal and took up good positions. Arun Sharma-Saul made good runs especially down the right…another win must come soon.

Please see report below
HT 0-0
FT 1-2

Southgate goals
Rich Martins 42mins

Score order

Adam Batchelor