Tigers Silenced in an Epic Encounter

Titans v Indian Gym

This has traditionally been a very tough fixture. Last years match having to be replayed after an on field disagreement had escalated, with the Titans losing the replayed fixture.

Captain Jatin and his Titans were in no mood to let that happen again. Even with the loss of Nigel Knight in the middle (whom we wish a speedy recovery), the team adapted well and started spraying the ball. The 10 men of Gym adopted a very passive approach, sitting back and affording the Titans midfield of Wilson, Peds and Ben space and time to control the game.

The pressure exerted by the strike force of Jatin, Arnie, Joergen and Brian proved too much and very quickly the goals began to fly in.

Howard Clayden overlapping from Right Back to attack the D and smashed a perfect cross to Joergen who was a yard from the goal line for his first of two goals of the afternoon. Pinpoint accuracy !

Wave after wave of attack ensued. Ben hitting a first time shot to the near post. Control, power and timing meant the keeper had no chance. Not to be out done, Jatin showed his goal scoring prowess by finishing off a fine move.

IG were limited to long balls – trying to find their target man who was in a battle with Laurence. Unfortunately their CF aided by their umpire meant that every challenge resulted in a Gym free hit. He further rewarded them with a dubious short corner that inevitably led to a goal.

The Titans were hurt and quickly replied with another goal, this time from Biffi, coming up from defence to score from a short corner.

The Half time whistle went and the Titans led 4-1.

After a rousing half time talk led by the Captain, the Titans took the field for the second half. Very quickly it became apparent that Peds was struggling in midfield. A minor calf strain meant that changes were needed to sure up middle. In came Will Hargrove. He added the calming influence required at this stage of the game. Spraying the ball wide whilst always being open to receive it – quite masterful. Until of course he was sin binned for 2 minutes.

Gym continued to their only possible way to penetrate the Titan defence, with long ball up to the CF. However, no longer aided by their umpire (although he did try his best), as DLW was officiating their attacking half. And coming up against the ‘I take no prisoners’ wall of a defender in the form of Toby Munyard – every attack was immediately shut down and resulted in Toby building up the play from defence.

The Titans kept the pressure on the Gym defence and were rewarded with further goals from Jatin, Biffi & Peds. At 7-1 Gym were praying for the final whistle.

There were more chances and the score could have been much worse but for some mis-communications amongst the forward line.

On the whole and very dominant display front the whole team.