Two for two for the Women’s 2’s!

The 2s were back on home soil this past weekend, following an impressive performance from the Women’s 1s just beforehand. We knew we wouldn’t want to settle for anything other than a win.

This week we faced Kings & Alleyns 1s, who proved to be a force to be reckoned with. We started off strong, dominating our half of the pitch and getting early outcomes in the D. Our first goal came from a well executed short corner; a powerful strike off the top from Maddy W (shoutout to the Kings defender for deflecting it into our goal), giving us a 1-0 lead. Kings were keen to get back in contention and managed to equalise.

The pressure was on to get another goal, this time courtesy of Lucy S who secured the 2s second goal of the match with an outstanding punt in the air following a rebound off the goalie’s pads. 2-1 to the gate!! Once again, Kings were quick to react and secured yet another goal… 2-2.
The 2s received not one, yet two green cards during the game (kudos to myself and Jennie xx), however we did not let this get to us and adapted well to ensure Kings wouldn’t gain an advantage. The final phase of play came within the last 10 mins of the match. Jennie impressed both Kings and the whole balcony with her silky elimination skills, getting all the way down the baseline for a slick pass across the D for Bethan to make an outstanding sliding deflection to get the 2s their third goal of the game.

Drum roll…. final score was 3-2 to the 2s, making it their second win in a row! MOM was awarded to Rhi for her composure and overall impressive play throughout.
This Saturday we are back home yet again, this time facing Wapping 2s, which we hope will be our third consecutive win in a row!