W2 form on the rise as team are tracking 3 from 3

On the back of 2 wins from 2, the W2s headed to Battersea Park to take on Wanderers 1s.

The first half was an even affair. Whilst we did have a fair few attempts at goal, we had to acclimatise to some unseasonably warm weather and a quality of pitch that was a few notches lower than that of the Mighty Gate. We started to gather some momentum as we adapted our game to shorter passes and some good link up play up the pitch. Wanderers also had some good attacks – where Kokky, Bobbie and Miriam once again saved the team a few times.

The second half started and the game started to crank up. Not long into the half, Wanderers were awarded a slightly dubious penalty flick. Unfortunately we found ourselves 1-0 down but we immediately upped our game. We then were also awarded a penalty flick as some great link up play down the right ended with Susie’s shot hitting a foot right in front of goal. Super Jennie slotted the goal away to make it 1-1.

Our second goal came shortly after this, as Em RH out skilled and outpaced their defence from the left of the D to flick the goal into the bottom right of the goal. With not too long left, we sensibly managed the rest of the game to come out deserved 2-1 winners. The team then headed back to the club in good spirits for Oktoberfest joint top of the league, with 3 points in the bag and half of Battersea’s Astro all over our kit.