W2’s in tight battle against top team Tulse Hill

Result 2-1
Goal scorer Milly Powers (Caitlin HC)

This week Southgate 2s travelled to Dulwich College Sports Club to face Tulse Hill & Dulwich W1s who are in 2nd place on our table as the last away match this season.

The game started with a tense atmosphere, with an aggressive Dulwich looking for promotion, but we didn’t let them win easily.

Southgate created some chances using short passes between midfielders and long passes by Milly P.

Jennie S shot from the top of the D and the ball went into the goal, unluckily the umpires judged the shoot was from outside the D.
Dulwich couldn’t score either as Southgate defended well and the 1st half ended 0-0.

Two minutes after the whistle beginning the 2nd half, Dulwich built up a quick attack from the counter and scored the first goal. Southgate down 1-0.

Southgate were starting to put pressure on Dulwich and through some brilliant skills, won several penalty corners.

Finally, in the last few minutes of the game, Southgate won another penalty corner and Emily RH’s diffraction by Milly P’s slap smashed Dulwich’s goal net to make the score 1-1.
The match was so fast-paced, Dulwich scored another goal just 30 seconds later.
Unfortunately, the final whistle blew and Southgate lost 2-1.

Southgate snapped fingers for their players Rhi and Sheff as it was their last match of the season.

Next week, Southgate take on Teddington W1s who are currently top of the table at home.
Can’t wait to celebrate winning the last match this season.