W4 hit the weekend in style with Ealing victory (and a flat tyre)

W4’s 2-0 Ealing W1

Match Report by Michelle Joubert

As we embarked on our second double header weekend in a row (we are now grateful for the break we all have this coming weekend) we headed west to Ealing for our first game of the weekend.

On arrival we found ourselves unable to even get into the grounds for a pre match warm up and chat. Instead, on parking, discovered Rhi had a flat tyre, enter Megan, our DOE/Brownie/Scout leader extraordinaire, who was thrilled, her time had come! Megan could not have jumped at an opportunity quicker, and we are glad she did, grabbing all the relevant equipment required from her boot she set off to change the type, on a busy road whilst the rest of us watched in awe and made ourselves useful by protecting her from any oncoming traffic.

It was a great team effort, and begs the question how many W4’s players does it take to change a tyre? Well, it takes 1, and she smashed it in less than 10 minutes, so off we went with plenty of time to still warm up and get the win we were craving so badly after the previous weekends double header of a loss and draw.

We welcomed Annabelle for her first stint with the W4’s, she did a fantastic job in midfield and we look forward to playing with her again in the season! It was great to be back out with all our regulars after many big holidays away over the Christmas break.

We played some fantastic hockey and our team are connecting on and off the pitch better and better each week!

Pleased to report I scored the first of the two goals from a fantastic ball into the D (I asked around, we cannot remember who it was, Sue, we missed you on the sideline taking these notes for us!!), and a great deflection through the keepers feet!

Not long before the end of the game we had another short corner, something we really struggled with even getting in the first part of the season, let alone scoring from them, but odds seem in our favour since the New Year arrived.

Megan, in her element still from saving the flat tyre pre match, took the pushout on the short corner, got herself to that post and tapped in a wonderful second goal for us towards the end of the second half!

A great feeling to get 3 points and a win again, off we went to prepare ourselves for our second game of the weekend! On our way to the car, rejoicing in her morning of changing tyres and goal scoring Megan proceeded to find a pound on the floor by the car, so quick to cash in on her luck i suggested we go buy lotto tickets to keep up the luck, turns out Megan, at that piont, kindly passed on her luck to me as I won £50 from my ticket, which set me me up nicely to continue with the luck into our game on Sunday…

MVP : Olivia in Goals
Goal Scorers : Michelle & Megan