As the man behind it all at Southgate, this week we pay homage to Alastair, since joining the club he has transformed everything about it, working with the centre, teams, management committee and more, we are so pleased and proud to have Alastair as one of our own. It would be a short novel if we were to describe it all to you, instead we went out there to our club members to highlight everything that Al does to make the club what it is in 2023.

All of us at Southgate play and watch. Some of us train and coach. A few volunteer and donate. And then there’s Alastair…

“Alastair is the most hardworking and determined player I’ve worked with. From doing 1v1 coaching sessions to coding his own lines and asking for feedback, he’s always looking for ways to improve in all aspects of his game. He is very good at absorbing all the information he receives and tries his best to continuously implement it. He enjoys every second of the challenge and rightfully celebrates when he nails a skill”.

Coach Teague, Teague Marcano, SHC M1’s player

“Alastair, honestly, you have brought this club so far forward in the time that you have been involved. Players, teams, supporters, coaches and more, the atmosphere is the best I have seen it in the 10 years I have been at Southgate. You go above and beyond to ensure everyone is included, involved and enjoys their hockey! Match Days at Southgate are something to be reckoned with and will only grow bigger and better from here! Thank you for all that you do, the club members will never truly understand the time and effort you put in to make our seasons and hockey experience at Southgate what it is, so thank you! Keep doing what you do, we appreciate you!”

Michelle Joubert, SHC W4 Captain & Committee Member

“What can I say about AW, he has made going to the club a real social event. He has passion like no other and can cajole you into watching the men’s 1 in whatever weather. There is no one I would rather spend a four hour car journey to the men’s indoor competition than with Whatley. Listening to his favourite musical songs. Add on Alastair Was a major support to me last year when I first took on the manager role . Thank you!”

Karen Kelly, SHC W1 Manager

“Highly intelligent, incredibly articulate and the most passionate club member I think I’ve ever seen! In all aspects of Southgate life, Alastair’s attention and commitment is total and his value to the club is immeasurable. Not bad on the pitch too – did he tell you about the goal he scored…?!”

Chris Pearce, SHC Director of Hockey

”I cannot begin to describe how much Alastair does for the Club. As our Club Secretary he is involved in many aspects of our dat to day running and always brings a certain sparkle to the proceedings. His creative flair and ideas are unmatched and somehow he manages to pull off the impossible. He supports teams across the club in equal measure and creates an infectious buzz and vibe around him. He is unmatched in enthusiasm and positivity and his contribution to taking the Club forward is immeasurable. Thank you Alistair for all you do – and I do hope one day Kwan let’s you on the pitch for the M1s!”

Kim Bishop-Laggett, SHC W6’s Player & Women’s Chair of Selectors

“In a league of his own when it comes to dedication, Alastair’s approach to the game is a masterclass in motivation over method, offering a hundred percent heart with a sprinkle of creative technique”

Alessandro Onano, SHC M4’s Captain

“Nobody loves the Gate more than CDM! His efforts make Southgate the finest club in the country and it would not be the club that it is without him. His logistical prowess is unmatched, from the 2023 Catalan Vikings tour, to the last-minute trip to Lincoln in the summer. #legend”

Louie Sadler, Lindum Hockey Club M1s & Catalan Viking

We can all admit that no one loves Southgate as much as Aliman. When you want a new bit of Y1 kit, you know Aliman will be your model. When you need a bit of encouragement, you know Aliman will be your motivational speaker. When you need something planning, you know Aliman will have it booked before you finish the thought. When you’re looking at that glass of wine half empty on the table, you know that Aliman is always nearby. Every flare, every MOM announcement, every Men’s 1s game, you can always rely on the one and only Aliman. So this is just a little message to say THANK YOU to our favourite Ronald McDonald.

Caitlin HC, SHC W3’s Player & Club Social Secretary

“Alastair works so hard to organise some great events at SHC that help to bring junior and senior players together. I really enjoyed the Summer League Alastair organised this year with lots of great matches, trophies and fun! Thank you for everything you do for us”

Alex Prior, SHC Boys U16’s

“For me, he’s all about the ideas, the energy and the determination to see things through”

Nick Robinson (Biffi), SHC Titan

“Hockey clubs are built around a team of volunteers who in turn help to create a strong community. Alastair is unique – in all my years in the game and at different hockey clubs I have never worked with someone who has as much infectious energy. Not only is he incredibly creative but he is a doer; if he decides something is going to happen, it happens. Alastair is driving the club community forward every week and taking others with him. Thank you for all you do.”

Andy Richardson, SHC W1’s Coach

”The club has transformed since Alastair has joined. The atmosphere and the match days have been so exciting and such a spectacle, that everyone talks about. Thanks Al for all you do, we really appreciate you 🫶🏽”

Mandy Feighery, SHC W3’s Player & Club Social Media

“Alastair’s hard work and dedication is inspiring! It’s a pleasure working alongside someone who puts so much passion and effort into their work. The atmosphere that has been created around the club and playing for the 1st team is special and everyone is desperate to leave their playing shirt in a better place”

Kwan Browne, SHC M1’s Player/Coach

“Alastair is a force of nature, the drive and catalyst of all that the club has and will become. He loves his hockey and plays with unfettered energy and passion improving with each game.”

Tony Wizbek (Wiz), SHC Titan

“He truly is Southgate through and through. Cut him in half and he’s red and black. And if you did cut him in half he’d still carry on giving his all”

Laurence Taylor, SHC Titan and Ultra Supporter

Alastair Whatley is the best thing that has happened to Southgate Hockey Club during my 16 years here. His dedication to improving member experience and increasing the club’s status is unmatched. The results of his efforts speak for themselves: the atmosphere at the club improves every year. As well as contributing immensely to bettering our club, he is a wonderful person in too many ways to list here. I am honoured to call him my friend.

Jenny Hammond, SHC W3’s Player & Club Assistant Secretary

“We are a volunteers led, membership club. We all do our bit where we can and we all love Southgate. Alastair’s enthusiasm and can do approach inspires and encourages us all to do that bit more. This is the stuff that can take a club from good to great”

Neil Murphy, SHC Chairman

“Alastair’s attitude has always been let’s go, he is prepared to risk it all for you beautiful people so a Saturday night can be hot right now”

DJ Wayne, Wayne Garner, SHC DJ & Parent