After weeks of anticipation and some re-jigging required by Michelle as availability changed, we were finally able to take to the pitches fielding eight sides in our charity event in honour of Cob.

Finding myself captain of the Pink team I arrived at the Club to work out who my teammates were and find some pink bibs. It was apparent from the off that all five of my teammates were young enough to be my grandchildren but having come to terms with having no subs, this proved to be our biggest asset with all five full of enthusiasm, energy and possessing great stick skills.

The six games blur in detail but as we settled in as a team there was some great passing, defending and plenty of goals scored. We went into the knockout section with some confidence and with a handy win over the Oranges, faced Jenny H’s Blues for the second time, in the semi final. Having lost a 2-0 lead to them in our first game , finishing 2-2 ,and recognising the strength of their defence we knew we had to be on our mettle. A decisive run through and solo goal by Mitch proved to be the decider and, to my amazement, we found ourselves in the final against Mandy’s experienced Yellows – unbeaten in five games.

The beauty of youth is that they fear nothing and, far from being daunted, their energy levels soared and with the balcony full they more than rose to the challenge. With only a ten-minute timeline both teams recognised the urgency of good passing and close marking.Yellows were the first to break the deadlock with a strong run from Alistair and a push across the line from close range.With time running out a more direct approach was required and provided by Mitch who surprised the opposition by running through for another dynamic solo goal. 1-1 at FT and I would have been happy to settle for a draw but the majority wanted a result and who doesn’t enjoy the excitement of shuffles!

Three players duly selected from each team Alex was first up – 1-0 to yellows. With Georgie and Justin both performing well between the sticks there was no further score until Pinks final attempt. With great pressure on her young shoulders Lucienne calmly stepped up to drive to the left and expertly lift the ball into the roof of the net-much to the delight of the balcony- goal of the tournament . Still deadlock so on to sudden death. A fine save from Georgie and a chance for Samir to get us across the line. Great
pressure again but proving no problem as he displayed great stick skills to slot home. A hard fought and unexpected win and huge relief to me as I would have been up next to shuffle…….

A big shout out to my team Lucienne, Sophie F, Charlie B, Samir, and Mitch what an array of young talent who came together so well as a team – it was a real pleasure to play alongside you! Also to Dickie , Hell’s and Georgie stepping in at various stages to keep. To Michelle for pulling the whole event together, our great team of umpires and all the people who ran the table. Great job!