Emma Mac brace sees W1 rise to see off Canterbury (again)

4-0 Win
W1s 1s vs Canterbury W1’s

Match Report by Flora Walker

Video Highlights here

If you cast your mind back to late November, the harsh English winter weather was starting freeze the pitches across the country. When Canterbury travelled to Trent park one cold but sunny afternoon, we were all hopeful we had at least one more game to play before breaking up for the holidays/indoor season. Unfortunately, with just 9 minutes left of the game, and when Southgate Womens 1s we’re 2-0 up, the game had to be called, as it became more suitable for ice skating than hockey. The game was over, and a rematch was to be played.

After a good break for some, and a successful indoor season for others, the two teams were back at to play again, with some shiny new Y1 kit thanks to successful Christmas hauls.

Southgate got off to a good start, dominating possession in the first quarter. This payed off with a goal from Denniff, and Southgate was leading 1-0.

The second quarter lost a bit of momentum, both teams scrambled a bit before a goal from McIntyre gave Southgate a boost. Another banger of a reverse hit from Childs brought the score line to 3-0 in the 3rd quarter. It was looking good for Southgate, but the game wasn’t over yet.

Into the fourth quarter legs were tiring and the reality of a 70 min game after a month of mince pies and mulled wine was setting in. Both teams dug in but Southgate found a fourth and final goal following a rebound off an attacking short corner.

The final whistle blew and Southgate had the 3 points secured. This weekend Southgate have a big job to do with a double header again thanks to the icy weather calling off the final game.

On Saturday they play Slough at home, so head down to the club for the 3:30pm game, and cheer on the womens 1s as they hope to secure another one win. And if you are a really committed supporter, they play Holcombe away at 2pm.