Hurley leads the way for W2 in battling draw at home to Wanderers

Draw 2-2

Match report by Susie Farren

Buoyed by watching the 1s ease to victory the 2s took to the pitch against Wanderers. Having spent much of training focussing on getting into scoring positions we started strongly getting into the opposition D plenty of times but not managing to get the outcome we were after.

After about 20 minutes of Southgate dominance, Wanderers broke down our right and cut into the D winning a (loudly celebrated) corner. Despite our best efforts they managed to sneak the ball past our defence and went 1-0 up.

Southgate bounced back with the reaction we wanted having gone a goal down. Sydney Beare calmly walking the ball along the back line before putting the ball on Freya Matthew’s stick, which she deftly converted for her debut 2s goal.

Just before half time Wanderers attacked again, somehow breaking through a few tackles and getting a messy foot at the top of the D. Once again they managed to convert the corner.

We went into half time frustrated. They’d had 2 chances to score and converted both of them. We had lots of attacks and only one goal. But we knew what we had to do. Keep attacking how we are, and don’t give away any more corners.

But we did just that, not long after half time, after a series of strong attacks Sydney once again skilled her way past Wanderers’ defence, this time picking out Captain Jess Hurley who slotted the ball defiantly into the net. We were back on par.

Despite heaping the pressure on we didn’t manage to seal the victory, but it was a great team performance and some excellent play from our juniors Sydney, Ella Chandler and player of the match Freya.