Frustrating afternoon at the St Mary’s ground.

Teddington Flamingoes v Flutes. 29th  Jan 2023
Result: lost 0-3

The last three games against the Flamingoes have been close run affairs and finally having secured not just the bare eleven but also a sub we expected more of the same.   
We started well with Annette, Claire and Jennie working some good triangular play down the right to find Caroline in the middle.  We were marking well and making it difficult for them to clear their lines , so it was very much against the run of play when a break down their left caught us too high up the pitch and created a tap-in opportunity at the left post.  

We rallied quickly securing a number of PCs and with Karen injecting smoothly and Caroline and Annette both striking well there were chances to equalise but  we could not find a way past their keeper,  who proved to be their standout player.  Teds were now finding their rhythm and the game was more evenly poised.  We pressed high to find an equaliser and their second goal came about in a similar fashion to the first.  It is fair to say that by this stage there was a degree of frustration around some of the umpiring decisions.  

In the second half we opted to change to zonal marking in the hope of preventing any more breakaways.  We created some nice moves but were continually frustrated in their D and sadly this continued to be the pattern for the rest of the game.  Their third goal came from a move down our left where they managed to get to the back line and slip the ball just out of Pea’s reach.  We did not concede in the final quarter but their confidence was now high and despite the evenness of play we came away empty handed.  We played with high energy and good performance levels which led to a wide spread of candidates for the WOW with Jo P narrowly taking it for some sound work at L and R mid and seeing the game out at RB. A disappointing result for us but always great to play together. A shout out to Kathy for taking on the captain’s mantle in Lynn’s absence , to Pea for donning the pads again and Karen and Jo B for turning out last minute.

Next up for Flutes is an O55 Cup game v LX at home on 19th Feb.