Indian Gymkhana offer stern test to hardy Magnums

2-7 Loss

Match Report by Jonny Ray

Anticipating this fixture with trepidation, such is the iconic status of our opposition and with a poor recent record behind us, the game started in the usual fashion with Magnums having to defend extensively, as IG exposed some poor basic skills from the home side – namely, turning the ball over and a poor first touch.

Their midfield quickly got the upper hand, and wave after wave came down their righthand channel, but for some excellent keeping from our captain, no toothless performance here, Magnums would have conceded early. However, much to the surprise of almost anyone watching, Magnums broke away down the right and with some good interplay found Tony James who slotted home comfortably against their extremely agile keeper. Tony, who stunned us before the game by stating that he been invited to guest for Indian Gym in their forthcoming Masters cup match, earning the title of Indian Jim.

This goal provoked what can be best described as wiggling a large stick into a wasps nest and thus ensured that IG came at us even more ferociously than in the previous 15 minutes.

Their range of passing and execution was excellent with their ageless Santi ( 73) on the score sheet on at least 3 occasions before the interval, which couldn’t come soon enough.

A particular highlight of the first half came when our umpire carded their ex GB captain and World Player of the Year, for aggressive play and using his 7 stones over-zealously.

The second half continued much as the first had finished, Magnums expediting moves that you wouldn’t tolerate in the junior section and IG capitalising upon them to add a further 3 goals.

But for some last ditch defending and more determined keeping by Peck by name and Peck by nature, the deficit would have been more.

Indian Jim restored some pride at the end by bundling in a goal to save some pride and to prove to his new team mates he is worthy of his place in the pantheon of Asian hockey.

Lastly, as Pie charts appear to be the way forward, the ever on-message Magnums conducted their own survey and came up with the following fascinating results:

Steak and Kidney 55%

Cottage and Fish tied at 15% each

Plain Pork with a water crust 10%

Chicken and Leek 5%

Post match, all the talk was about how their lightest and most naturally gifted player could have sunk so low as to bully Patti in the way that he did, and that he got his just deserts.

However, after a Rebellion or two it was pretty much universally decided that the laws of the game had had an Antipodean take – upside down, and Patti should have got out of the way.

MOM – Tony Shiret

We look forward to doing it all over again next week, away at Spencer.