M2’s whop Wapping in confident display at Lee Valley.

The Mens 2s bounced back after a couple of tough results in recent weeks with a strong performance at Lee Valley as they took on old rivals Wapping.

Southgate started strongly with Thaddeus Rivett coming in for the newly promoted Will Shepherdson and Vivek Dongha returning into the midfield.

Aedan McCrossan scored the first from open play to give Gate the lead before Jonny Maunder converted a PC minutes later. Southgate dominated possession with Mark Ellis and Kai Brown working hard through the middle.

Aedan converted his brace before half time making it a convincing 3-0 at the turn.

Andrew Westbrook and Sim Bird had piled on the pressure up top with Kai Browne creating repeated opportunities which Tom Batchelor duly converted with an acrobatic diving deflection in the 55th minute.

It was Todd Lomas who had been industrious all game who deprived Mc Crossan of his hatrick and scored a final goal from the P spot to give Gate a 5-0 win and an all round performance to send them into the final two games on a high.

Tomorrow sees the team face league leaders London Edwardians in a big game with much to play for.

Come down and lend Felly and his team your support and vocal stylings.