The mighty 5’s turned up at SHC ‘super saturday’ with a refreshingly well stocked team. After last weeks embarrassment we needed to put in a much improved performance.
After some very dubious mathematics from Rory, he concluded that if we win the we’ll avoid relegation. No pressure then!!
With a pre match chat consisting of trying to score early and put the game to bed we started the game by conceding within the first opening minutes of play, although the oppo did get a lucky deflection.
We then decided to sort ourselves out and applied substantial pressure on the oppo and a well earned short corner was well converted by connor.
The mighty 5’s continued heaping on the pressure and was rewarded with another short corner. 5’s defender Rory decided to actually take a shot on goal which is something we’ve not done enough of this season. Rory cleverly noticed the positioning of their defence and hit the ball surely knowing it would take a huge deflection with the ball ending up in the goal. 2-1 to the 5’s.
To quote the late queen ‘recollections may vary’ on the following events ….
Rory’s joy at scoring meant he didn’t pick up his player and straight from PB the oppo attacked down the left and hit a freak shot that squeezed through the gap between the keepers foot and the post.
In post match discussion the entire team agreed that there was nothing the keeper could of done to prevent the goal!!!
Some expert finger pointing from Duncan and a period of what seemed like a never ending round of short corners going our way meant goals were surely to come with Joe moping up from a Conner hit from the penalty corner. 3-2 to the 5’s.
With victory so close and the end of the game fast approaching all we had to do was hold out. But in typical 5’s fashion we can’t make it easy for ourselves.
A very well worked short corner from the oppo meant we was back to 3-3 with barely minutes to play.
As the umpire signalled for two minutes left and not winning the game would of meant relegation could still be a possibility, we found ourselves winning yet another short corner which was converted by Conner. 4-3 to the Mighty 5’s
We comfortably saw out the last minute and earned a well deserved victory and avoid being drawn into a relegation dog fight.
Honourable mentions to Duncan’s finger, Arun & Zac who terrified the oppo defence but the plaudits go to 5’s defence who scored 3 of the 4 goals.
MOM to Conner thoroughly well deserved
DOD at time of writing I can’t remember