Hello all sadly our short lived winning streak comes to an end
And we were very annoyed we cannot pretend

We found ourselves finally at home
Playing Surbiton, a squad of pre-pubescents who have not yet grown

Our press was the best we have seen all season
And it takes us this long to crack it for some reason

Some excellent counter attacks
And marvellous transfers round the back

Now it wasn’t long before Em scores
But everyone thought it was Coxy who stole her applause

She doesn’t even get the credit on the whatsapp chat
As Caitlin tries to claim it like a desperate rat

The 16 year olds quickly get snappy
And their coach breaks his clipboard because he was so unhappy

They find themselves making the game 1-1
But this does not mean the match was anywhere near done

Luckily we win another corner
And milly powers slaps it in, it was a stormer

Of course the ball gets twatted at liv head height
Who always ends up on the floor but she is alright

Obviously a corner was given against us
And you can be sure Rhi made a fuss

It was from this questionable decision Surbiton took the lead
And we knew we had to try and score with some speed

Sadly the whistle gets blown
And Surbiton refused to shake our hands, for a reason unknown

Soaking wet and extremely frustrated
We dined over some mac and cheese which was highly rated

It was a tie for man of the match this week
With ruby and sheff for their excellent hockey technique

These two definitely deserved it the most
And for that they have a week’s right to boast.

Now I find myself writing this match report
Because clearly I suck at this sport

It was not because I could not score a goal
But rather that I took a toll

It is actually a lot hard to stay up on two feet
And my fall was anything but discreet

Personally I think dod should have gone to rhi
But unfortunately none of my ‘teammates’ sided with me

Two more games left to go
Will we win the league? Ahhh hell no

Next week we take on dulwich
And hopefully this is my last poem as dod