Match Report by Kathy Hammond

Sixes made hay while the sun shone on a crisp autumn morning at home on the water pitch beating an eager Wapping 7s by two goals to nil. But for a few early breaks in the first half and a couple of PCs in the second from The Printers the red and black outfit was the dominant side.

Forays into the oppo’s D were eventually rewarded with a beautiful team goal fired home by Jos Lee after a tip on from Didi Vasili picking up a deft pass by young player of the match Ava Smith.

Coming out after the break, Southgate tried out various short corner routines ably injected by Lucienne Mercier before a skirmish in front of goal saw Didi fire towards the keeper from close range for Lynn Bryden to deflect past her an at impossible angle and put the game to bed. Well played 6s!

MVP Ava Smith