W6’s make the great journey down to Roehampton with only 9 players, coming out with only a 0-2 loss

So the second outing for the W6s and it was a very long day. We set off bright and earlydown to Roehampton.

The odds were certainly against us as we took to the pitch depleted in numbers (down to 9 players) and travel weary. The lack of facilities was disappointing but we were soon all swept along with our youngest player, Gabz, enthusiasm and positivity.

We negotiated quarters to get more rest and they offered us players but we started with 9 to see how we got on.

It was tough and at times the pitch seemed very large with so few of us but despite their 2 early goals we settled down and got on with the job. We didn’t need their subs – and after seeing us play they weren’t offered again – but it was always going to be a tough call against 11.

So our forwards found themselves back defending and it was always going to be challenging to get into the circle. However, we did manage to penetrate their defence and were unlucky not to be rewarded with a goal which would have been deserved. We fought hard and held them off for most of the game, so it felt like a win in our book. I am sure we will take the points on the return leg.

A huge thank you to everyone for making the long journey, especially to our drivers for criss crossing London.

MVP  was unanimously Jas Barron for another fantastic performance between the posts – well done Jas.