Southgate shook as Slough Secures 2-0 Victory in Nail-biting Showdown

The second game of the 23/24 season saw Southgate away taking on Slough.

The team arrived at Slough Clubhouse to the smell of freshly cooked match tea curry wafting from the kitchen. But first there was a hockey game to play.

The whistle blew and Southgate was fit, fast and dominating possession all over the pitch. However, Slough were speedy at taking free hits, often catching Southgate off guard which led to a few hairy circle entries. Unfortunately one of these led to a foul and a corner was awarded against Southgate. Sloughs corner routine broke down but they found a way round the defenders and into the goal. Slough were 1-0 up in the first quarter.

Southgate stayed in the game with some lovely passages of play, found ways out of defence through quick passes round the back, and strong runs with the ball were made from the likes of Charlotte Kelly and Ami Robinson.

However, shortly into the 2nd quarter Slough broke again. They made their way into the D and won another corner. After a slightly controversial injector technique, Southgate lost one of their defenders to the halfway line. The corner was played and similarly to the one before, resulted in scrappy play in front of the goal and Slough successfully shovelled the ball into the goal. Slough were up 2-0.

Southgate fought hard for the next 35 minutes, trying to claw back the goals and at least even the goal line. There were a number of great opportunities at goal to which shots were very narrowly missed, and each player left everything on the pitch. Unfortunately there just weren’t enough minutes left and the game finished in Sloughs favour.

A disappointing result for Southgate but the team is ready and raring to take on Surbiton 2s at home this weekend.