Winning Streak continues for W2’s

Following on from our win in the previous week against Chiswick, the team were determined to secure their first home victory of the season against youthful side, Wimbledon 3s.

With a very insightful pre-match talk (accompanied by a top-notch presentation by Ronan), we were clear on what our goals consisted of and wanted to start off with and maintain intensity throughout. Many chances were created within our attacking 25, with our first goal coming from a direct pass from Jennie S in the midfield, for Jess H to touch and straight strike into the bottom corner, giving Southgate the lead going into half time.

We knew we had to play smart and not become complacent, especially with the goal margin being so slim. Wimbledon were keen to fight back and equalise the scoresheet, however, with the hard work of our defensive line and GK Miriam, opportunities for Wimbledon to score were limited.

It was soon to be that Southgate would secure their second goal of the game; this time it was a ‘Davies special that made it 2-0, with Milly D driving down the baseline to present a direct pass to older sibling, Maddy D, for a one touch slap into the corner. Unfortunately, Wimbledon were quick to react and managed to grab a goal in the penultimate moments of the game.

It was fair to say that we just about managed to keep our composure and play strategically in the final minutes of the game to ensure we secured the win.

The final score was 2-1 to Southgate, leaving us unbeaten (yes, I know it’s only been two games so far…), and to top it off, no one got carded!

Votes for MOM were shared widely across the team, however, the overall vote count went to defenders, Amy K & Bobby B, for their incredible defensive display throughout the entire game.
We look forward to trekking down south of the river to Battersea Park next Saturday to take on Wanderers (followed by Oktoberfest celebrations at the club post-game).